Skate Results
Skate Results bietet eine vielzahl an Möglichkeit, um Wettkämpfe zu verwalten und Ergebnisse zu veröffentlichen. Diese Dokumentation soll einen Überblick über die Funktionalität von Skate Results geben und die Verwendung der einzelnen Funktionen erklären.
Skate Results is a software to manage events and publish results. This documentation provides an overview of the functionality of Skate Results and explains the usage of the individual features.
This documentation uses several terms that are also used commonly used during a race day. E.g. "Competition", "Age Group" or "Race". To provide a precise documentation these terms and their relationship are extensively defined in the Concepts section. In addition to that, the "Skate Results"-specific terms are described as well.
Skate Results is constantly evolving. Important changes and new features are documented in the "Changelog".