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Getting started

This guide will help you to get started with Skate Results. It covers the basic setup of an event and how to upload results.

Skate Results has a large feature set. Each event is individual requirements and you can choose which features to use. All features besides the basic setup and one-time results upload are documented here.

Creating an account

To get started, you need an account. Visit to create one.

You can now login to the admin-panel on You see a list of all events you have access to. If you don't see any events, you need to be added as an organizer to an event. Send a short mail to to get added or to create a new event.

Event list

General settings

Now, click on your event. You'll be navigated to a new page with many (general) settings.

General settings

Brief overview about the available settings:

NameWhats the name of your event? Keep it short.
UrlThe url of your event. Can only be changed by an admin. Please contact
Start/End dateWhen does your event take place?
TimezoneUsed to display the clock on a kiosk display.
Public?Whether the event shows up on the Skate Results home page. Even non-public events can be accessed by anyone with the url.
LiveToggle this checkbox on race day. This option allows users to subscribe to age groups or athletes to get receive notifications. Push notifications are only sent if this option is checked.
Show empty age groupsIf unchecked, age groups without athletes are hidden from the results tab. Unchecking makes it easier for people to find their result.
Show empty relay groupsSame as for age groups
Record activitiesIf checked, state changes of your races (seeded / done) are tracked.
Show activitiesShow the tracked activities on the results tab.
Short descriptionVery short description of your event. Used by search engines when displaying results.
DescriptionLengthy description. Is displayed in the info tab. You can use markdown to render links or headings.
Tab orderWhich tabs are displayed in which order. E.g. during registration, showing the results makes no sense. After the registration closed, you can hide that tab.
Group order in selectorWhich groups are displayed in which order in the results tab. Empty groups are automatically.
AddressWhere does your event take place?
Show MapShow a map with the address on the info tab.

Uploading results

Let's publish some results. In the left-hand menu, select the option "Import". Here you can configure all sources of results. You can create multiple import configurations. E.g. an excel file for marathon results and a database of the compoetition software for the kids races.

If an athlete with the same name exists in multiple import configurations, the athlete is displayed as two individual athletes. The results are not merged.


Do not create two import configurations for the same source.

Create a new import configuration by clicking the button on the top right. Give it a name. Depending on the result source, select the appropriate source type.

Click "Upload", select your database and then click "Save" to upload the file. The file is now stored on the server. However, the data is not yet imported. Click "Import" to start the import.

The results will now show up in the results tab.

Uploading results

Live results

In most cases, you won't upload all results at once, but want to continuously upload (sync) results. Learn more about live syncing.

What's next?

First steps are done. Now you can dive into the many features of Skate Results. Here are some suggestions:


If you need any assistance, please reach out to