Registration fee
To dynamically calculate your registration fee you can create multiple items. Each item can have multiple variants. The registration fee is the sum of all items. The price of an item is determined by the first variant where all conditions match. If there is no such variant the price of the item is 0. If no items are specified no price is shown to the registrant.
Only Euro is supported as currency.
Payment Methods
You can select which payment methods are available for the user:
- Cash on race day
- Bank transfer
Bank transfer
You can specify the name and IBAN of your bank account and the purpose of the transfer. The purpose is limited to 130 characters. You can use the following code to dynamically adjust the bank transfer purpose based on the user's input.
{{ firstName }}
: First name{{ lastName }}
: Last name{{ club }}
: Club{{ team }}
: Team
Underage athletes
The registration of underage athletes (younger than 18) must be done by a legal guardian. The athlete's age is determined by the registration date. The event date does not have an influence on whether an athlete is underage or not.
The legal guardian is required to provide their last name, first name and email. The disclaimer and privacy policy has to be accepted by the legal guardian and not the athlete.
Confirmation mail
After a successful registration, the athlete automatically receives a registration confirmation email:
- Sender:
- To: Sportler
- CC: Legal guardian (if available)
- BCC:
- BCC: Users with access to the event
The registration confirmation cannot be customized. Depending on your settings it contains the following fields:
- Last name
- First name
- Gender
- Age Group
- Club
- Team
- License
- Remarks
- Registration options
- Name und email of the athlete's legal guardian
- Registration fee
- Payment details
- Disclaimer (as attachment)
- Privacy Policy (as attachment)
The registration mail can be resend via the registrant overview in the admin area.