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Registration: complex forms and permissions

Skate Results registrations became more powerful. Learn more about how to set up your registration here.

Custom fields

You can collect additional data for each registration

Conditional options

Options can be enabled/disabled depending on the registrant's age group. This is useful for disciplines that are only available from a certain age (e.g. marathons).

Editing / Deleting

Signed-in users can edit or delete their registration after their initial sign-up


You can limit who is allowed to register for a specific event


You can set up reviewers that view and approve/reject each registration. This was first used for the german championships in 2023

Offline Mode discontinued

Due to technical limitations the offline mode was discontinued. You need to be connected to the internet to browse results on

Registration Improvements

Skate Results registrations became more powerful. Learn more about how to set up your registration here.

Registration Fee

You can now dynamically calculate and display the athlete's registration fee based on their input during registration.

Payment Methods

You can now select how the athlete can pay their registration fee:

  • Cash on race day
  • Via bank transfer

Registrant management

The registrant overview also got a couple of improvements:

  • The payment status can be set to keep track of incoming payments
  • Quick overview of the athlete distribution in different age groups
  • The confirmation mail can be resent

Unknown Livestream Urls open in new tab

If a Livestream Url is not linking to YouTube, Twitch or Facebook, a new tab is opened. When clicking the livestream button on old website versions these unknown urls will cause a crash.

Event description supports Markdown

You can now use Markdown in the event description. That way you can add links and apply minor text styles.

In addition to that, every competition now has a short description that is used for the home page and within Meta-Tags. If no short description is defined, the description is used.

Kiosk Improvements

The kiosk mode got several improvements

  • Font size and line height can be adjusted
  • The timezone of the clock can be adjusted
  • Scroll speed and waiting times can be adjusted
  • Instead of scrolling through the tables you can choose to paginate
  • A progress bar indicates the scroll progress of the stream
  • The headlines stick to the top of the screen while parts of the table are still visible
  • New elements
    • Competition: Depending of the state of a competition seeding lists and results are displayed
    • Text: Can now display a QR Code
    • 'Skate Results' Promo
  • Performance improvements

Offline Mode

After the first visit of the website its functionality is fully available offline. Results and data that has already been looked at is automatically cached and shown to the user if the device is not connected to the internet. If the result of an age group was not displayed to the user while being online, it is also not available offline.

If the displayed data is not up-to-date or the device has no interconnection, a yellow exclamation mark including an info text is displayed. Once the internet connection is restored the exclamation mark disappears again. Refreshing the page is not necessary.

Live Syncing Approval

Changes to the local database are not automatically uploaded anymore. Instead, all changes are displayed in a table and have to be manually improved. This option can be disabled but is enabled by default.

Read more about the live syncing here.

Syncing via browser

For live updates the desktop application is not required anymore. The functionality was moved to the admin area. You can find the Syncer via Events -> Event -> Import -> Import Configuration -> Syncer. The browser must be permanently active in the background. An automatic logout after an hour as in the desktop application does not happen anymore. To sync multiple files in parallel you ca nuse multiple browser tabs.

The desktop application cannot be downloaded more, won't receive any updates and was disabled on the servers.